Meet the CFS Team

Norris Strauch

Sole Owner/Inventor

Norris has 30+ years experience in manufactured homes. Cornerstone Foundation System started as a dream of Norris' to provide a unique structural foundation that was easier to install and more cost effective for the homeowner. When asked how he turned an idea into reality, Norris stated, "When I started with the idea of making a better foundation for manufactured homes, I knew little about concrete and nothing about mold making. What I did know was to never give up on the possibility of a better option." Norris' relentless persuit has catapulted CFS into becoming the leading choice for structural foundation.

Team members

Jeff Frye

General Manager

Skylar Payne

Administrative Coordinator

Carrie Shaw


KJ Easterly

Production Manager

Install Crew

Jered Perry
Lead Install

Isaiah Enriquez

Install Team Member